By Kaya Masler on September 29, 2014

Democrats Continue to Rally Behind Fluke
Prominent Democratic Organizations - Democracy for America, West LA Democratic Club, New Frontier Democratic Club and Mexican American Democratic Club - All Endorse Fluke
Today the nationwide progressive community, Democracy for America, joined several prominent Los Angeles Democratic Clubs and announced their endorsement of Sandra Fluke for the California State Senate.
Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America, said: "Sandra Fluke has built the strong, people-powered campaign it takes to beat back the special interest money from conservatives that flows through Sacramento. California needs more authentic, progressive truth-tellers like Sandra Fluke in the State Senate and Democracy for America's members could not be more excited about being the critical, grassroots boots-on-the-ground it will take to get her there."
Cara Robin, President, West LA Democratic Club said: "Our club's overwhelming vote in support of Sandra Fluke indicates that she is the best choice for Democrats in this race. Her progressive credentials reflect the priorities of our party and of families on the Westside. The West L.A. Democratic Club is proud to support Sandra Fluke for State Senate."
Sandra Fluke said: “It is thrilling to have the endorsement of Democracy for America and so many local democratic clubs. What all of these groups have in common is a commitment to grassroots activism. My campaign is powered by the people in every way: I'm so grateful for the thousands of hours that community networks of volunteers have put in on the ground for my campaign. Local democratic clubs are standing with me because they know I’ll be responsive to the voters who put me in office, not special interests, and that we share a progressive vision for our community.”
In addition to Democracy for American and the West LA Democratic Club, the New Frontier Democratic Club and the Mexican American Democratic Club also announced their endorsement of Sandra Fluke for State Senate. Previously, Fluke earned the support of other local Democratic Clubs, including: Beach Cities Democratic Club, Bruin Democrats, California State University Northridge Democrats, Democratic Activists for Women Now (DAWN), Feminist Democrats, Gardena Valley Democratic Club, Progressive Democratic Club, Torrance Democratic Club and University of Southern California Democrats.
Other prominent Southern California Democrats have endorsed Fluke, including U.S. Rep Janice Hahn, U.S. Rep Julia Brownley, U.S. Rep Karen Bass, U.S. Rep Tony Cardenas, State Senator Holly Mitchell, State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, California Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin, Los Angeles Councilmember Nury Martinez and former Councilmember Bill Rosendahl. She has also been endorsed by influential organizations including AFCSME California PEOPLE, California Firefighters, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project, Sierra Club, California Federation of Teachers, California League of Conservation Voters, California Nurses Association, California NOW, EMILY’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice California, Pride PAC and Military Mental Health Project.
This month, the Fluke campaign released a poll that shows Sandra is leading her opponent by an impressive seven point margin with an 18 percent name ID advantage. The detailed polling memo from Garin Hart Yang Research Group can be found here: With Fluke’s lead in the polls and her continued accumulation of influential endorsements, the momentum is undeniably in her favor.