By Sandra Fluke on September 04, 2014

Seth Stodder, Former No Party Preference Candidate for State Senate, Endorses Fluke
Fluke’s Momentum Continues with Poll That Shows 7-Point Lead and Crucial Endorsements
Today former No Party Preference (NPP) candidate in State Senate District 26 Seth Stodder endorsed Sandra Fluke. Stodder came in an impressive third place in the June primary with 17.4 percent of the vote, and his endorsement will speak volumes to the significant percentage of Independent voters in SD-26.
Seth Stodder: “I am endorsing Sandra because I admire her quick policy mind and her passion. I know where Sandra stands, and I know she’s open to new ideas, new circumstances, and debate, and can work across party lines. Surely, Sandra and I disagree on many issues, but I know Sandra will be a smart public servant who will be candid with us about what she believes in – and then fight for it and stand up for our community, regardless of the personal consequences. This will make her extremely effective in Sacramento. She will be a citizen politician, not beholden to special interests, and she will inspire others to follow her example. For these reasons, I stand with Sandra.”
A poll released earlier this week shows Fluke leading her opponent 41-34 amongst likely voters in the November 4 election, with a distinct lead among No Party Preference voters (with whom she has a 44-28 advantage). The detailed polling memo from Garin Hart Yang Research Group can be found here:
Fluke said: “I am so pleased to have Seth Stodder’s endorsement, even more so because we do have different views on some issues. What we agree on is so much more fundamental: the need to achieve real campaign finance reform and how critical it is that our elected leaders are accountable to the people, not special interests. This independent approach to governing, including making our government more transparent and responsive to the people, is work I look forward to accomplishing with Seth and leaders from all parties. That is why I am proud to have his support and the support of so many independent voters.”
Fluke advanced through the June primary with crucial endorsements from prominent organizations such as the California Nurses Association, California League of Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project of Los Angeles, EMILY’s List and influential leaders like Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Congresswoman Karen Bass, Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin and Ret. Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl.